Wednesday, December 18, 2013

On the 12th Day of Christmas Comfort...

Welcome back to our final day of Christmas Comfort. I'd like to thank all the lovely people who wrote guest posts for this series, it could not have happened without all of you.

There are so many big and little ways we can give over the holidays. I wrapped up two pieces of my art and dropped them off at JJ Bean Coffee, where they are collecting gifts for children and teens in need. I loved that they included teens in their donations, because they are often over-looked.

But here's the thing. Whether during the holidays or any other day of the year, you can't give from a place of lack. At least, not without doing damage to yourself. And over my life I have done just that, repeatedly. I gave to others until I had nothing left for myself. What I have learned is that self-care is the most caring thing I can do for the people in my life. Self care and gratitude fill me up so that I have more to give.

So I hope that you can take some time over the holidays to do something that brings you joy, something that fills you up. Because you matter, and your happiness matters.

Happy Holidays,


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