Thursday, November 25, 2010

Inspiration Avenue Challenge: Ingenuity

Hello Blogland,

I have been playing with blending modes after watching some more of the fantastic Creative Compositing tutorials on This one is pretty simple, just two photos blended together with a curves adjustment layer to boost the colour. It's fun to play! So for this week's Inspiration Avenue Ingenuity challenge, here is Graffiti Sky:

And since I forgot earlier this week to mention it, the theme for next week's Music Monday Challenge is She Loves you, Yeah, Yeah Yeah. Submit your photos, collages, paintings, or other creations on this theme starting Monday.

Tomorrow I have some really cool ice sculpture images that I have turned into desktop wallpaper for you.

Have a beautiful day!



  1. Ooh sounds like more opportunities to play coming up here :) Nice one.

  2. Great image! Love the blues, and the ingenuity!

  3. This is ingenious! I am in awe of anyone who makes digital art. I love all the details, including the signs pointing upward. Such imagination.

  4. I came over from Inspiration Avenue. Very cool piece. Love the color. Learning about all these different art forms so thanks for explaining your process!

  5. Intensely beautiful, I could get lost in the images

  6. Gotta love blue! This is relly cool, Joyelle.
