Friday, June 10, 2011

Slow Down

Slow Down.

This is the message I am getting
from my chiropractor and acupuncturist.

And so for the next few weeks
I will be posting less often.
I am in the process of evaluating
which weekly features to keep
and which to let go of,
so if you have a favorite,
please let me know.

And I hope you will
give yourself permission too
(without needing medical intervention ;)
to slow down a bit
as the days gradually get warmer
and the sun (hopefully)
erases the winter chill
from our bones.

P.S. I had to laugh.
After I had finished writing this post,
I checked my e-mail to find that the Reverb11
prompt for June is:
What can you let go of?

1 comment:

  1. This has been my past week~~trying to figure what needs doing and keeping and what can fall by the wayside.
    Which means life puts entirely too much pressure on us, and I for one tend to ACCEPT it even as my knees are buckling.
    What can I let go of?
    I'm working on the MESS that my studio has de-evolved into.....

