Tuesday, September 13, 2011

DO make music

For Texture Tuesday this week, the theme is DO. And something I do is make music. I took these photos of my good friend Rick last weekend, when a group of us had a getaway to a beautiful secluded log cabin. What we did was eat, drink and make music and art. Pretty much my idea of perfection. 

Drop by Kim's site to see the other fantastic images people have created around the theme DO.

Hope whatever you are doing today, it is something that you love.


  1. Beautiful composition I love the instrument with just the hand in shot. I'm a great fan of Charles De Lint I love that he uses music in his novels .

  2. This is wonderful! very creative use of the texture! Your weekend sounds like it was divine!

  3. I love to play and make music tooo, and I love the use of the beautiful guitar to encourage me to make music!!

  4. That sounds like one AMAZING weekend. :)

  5. nice. the textures work well with the photo

  6. beautiful!

    my husband plays guitar, so this really caught my attention!

  7. I love the second photo, so creative and cool!
