Thursday, December 1, 2011

24 Days of Kindness

I love watching The Ellen Show. It's not for the guests, or the musical acts or the games. It's for the part at the very end of the show when Ellen says "Be kind to one another." I love how that sentiment of caring runs throughout the show. In a world of media-fueled panic it is refreshing to find a show that is, at its heart, about lifting people up.

In counting down to the end of the year, I was pondering a year-end review combined with an advent calendar of sorts. So every day until Christmas, I will post one of my favourite pieces of art or photography from the past year, along with a Kindness Tip from People for Good. Just like my son opens his advent calendar every morning for a treat, you will find a way to make your day sweeter. Todays tip:

Tell someone you love them.

It's free, and you are guaranteed to feel better after you do it!

I would love to hear your stories about spreading Kindness through the Christmas season, so please share any ways that you or your family finds to spread kindness. Because even hearing about a kind act can spread more kindness in the world.

Have a beautiful day!


  1. This is such a beautiful post and lovely idea Joyelle. I'm looking forward to the rest of your posts and seeing your favourite pieces. You have really made me think about being kind and how to be more so. penny x

  2. such a beautiful project.. kindness seems in short supply these days.. I love your blog my sweet friend. xo
